D a t a   S h e e t
Name of Religious Site: Jamatkhana and Ismaili Centre
Tradition: Shia – Imami Ismaili
Address: 2405 Duncan Road
Town of Mount Royal
E-Mail Address cqm@bellnet.com
Phone Number: (514) 738-8866 Ext. 10
Fax Number (514) 738-2998
Date Center was Founded: Present location 1984
Religious Leader and Title:

His Highness the Aga Khan/
Officiating representatives Mukhi Kamadia (appointed every three years).

Membership/Community Size : 5000 members (Quebec & Maritimes)
Ethnic Composition : India, Pakistan, Central Asia, Syria, West, East and Central Africa
Date: December 18, 2004

Affiliation with Other Communities/Organizations:
Shai Imami Ismaili Council for Canada, Head office in Toronto.
Description of the Centre:
The Duncan Road TMR Jamatkhana is a large two-story building and can accommodate 1000 people.
Researcher Notes:
It was interesting to discover that the President and the Communication Coordinator are all women. It appears to be an enlightened, avant–garde organization.
Mumtaz Rehman

This project is being conducted by the Asian Religion and Ethics Research Unit at McGill University